Friday, August 29, 2008

New Yarn Shop in Town

RM wanted me to get out of the house, though I don't understand why. I haven't showered in what seems like a month. My new perfume is a combination of baby poo, breast milk and 7 layers of floral scented deodorant. But he insisted I get out for an hour or two. So I showered and took a drive. Meandering along, I decided a nice visit to a new yarn shop would be good. And good it was. I wanted to snap up several things, but in the end got two skeins of Crystal Palace Yarns Panda Silk in pink and lavender. Not sure what I will make with them yet. Maybe a cute pair of socks and hat for Bean? A pair of bed socks for me? Belt or headband for Soccer Chica? Who knows. For that matter who cares? What I do know is that I got to purchase yarn from a nice shop.

There is a new yarn shop in my town! I should tell you it's within walking distance of my house! Please read into that statement "dangerous . . . too close for comfort . . . thinking of moving even closer." It's called Your Local Yarn Shop and it just opened. They have a good selection of yarn and shipments just keep coming in. Everyone was so friendly. There is a lovely spot with comfy couches and good light to "just come in and knit!", as I was so kindly invited to do.

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