Friday, February 23, 2007

Join My Knit Alone

Listen. . . Do you hear it?
Me either.
That's right! Last night I had the whole house all to myself.

Here's what I did:

1. I used the bathroom when I wanted. I did not have to search for a full roll of toilet paper. It was there waiting for me.

2. I ate take out authentic Mexican food. The way I like it, with lots of sour cream and guacamole. Plus I got to sit on the floor in the living room without a napkin!

3. I got to hold the remote and change the channels! If I wanted to linger on a station, by goodness I did. So there.

4. I got to drink soda pop. Now, we usually keep some soda pop in the house, but only for adults. What makes this special is that I got to have glass after glass after glass. The caffeine buzz that came later was kind of a bummer, but oh so worth it.

5. I turned the water bed temperature up (gasp) and laid across the bed, using all the pillows and all the blankets. RM will tell you I am great about using all the covers so he doesn't get too hot - even on sub-zero nights. Isn't that generous of me?

6. I knit. A lot. But I was alone. Many, many people knit alone each day. I enjoy it. The music or TV forms a rhythm and I just cruise along. So, I may never join a knitting group. Well. . . never is a long time.

7. I watched Season 2, episodes 11 - 15 of Grey's Anatomy. Now, this new fixation is CJ's (JJ's hubby) fault (yes, you will get yours). I have given up knitting to watch this show. It's evil I tell you!

8. I jumped at every noise, creak and meow. Eventually I fell asleep with the lights and TV on. Apparently, I am very comfortable with my men in the house. I have forgotten my solo sleeping skills, so getting relaxed enough to doze was difficult.

9. I truly and utterly missed my family. Will be with them this evening and I can't wait.

Do you enjoy knitting alone? That solo time to reflect on the day or lose yourself in the rhythm and counting? Knitting with a large group is fun. The giggles, laughs and knowledge is out of this world. But I don't seem to get much knitting done, just a lot of talking. When I want to crank out a project, I don't take it to a knitting group, in the car, or any public knitting. I hole up on my couch and begin.

So I will knit alone sometimes, but look for companionship all the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did that on Monday - I wouldn't want to do it all the time, but I really enjoy it once in a while. For me, it makes me appreciate other people even more (after a full day of it.)